Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Well I'm still here. Which is no mean feat... the lack of blogs, and general tardiness in replying to everyone who's messaged, called or texted over the past month or so is a testament to what my life has become.

Can I say sorry for that now? I do keep trying to sit with Facebook and go through all my messages and reply to them. And I will call everyone back! (Especially you Gran... I haven't forgotten!)

So I'm 6 weeks in to my job. I don't cry every day now, which is nice. Indeed, I haven't in over a week, so things are obviously better. Well, maybe that's not true exactly, I think I'm just hardening up. I'm getting more bolshy though... my tolerance for rudeness, which already wasn't that great, has plummeted! I really can't stand people pissing about and treating others with no respect... I guess I'm fed up seeing people I care about upset because others around them are just being tossers.

I'm torn a bit really because there are definitely times in my job now where I find myself genuinely enjoying myself. Granted, these moments certainly consist of a very minor portion of my day, but they are there. I'm getting the cahnce to do the parts of medicine I like, which is namely talk to people.
As one of my favourite characters in "The Smoking Room", Annie, says, "I'm all about people".

And this reminds me of a passage in The Oxford Handbook of Medicine which talks very admirably of GPs, saying that they are specialists of their patients (rather than of a disease or particular organ system). And so this makes me think that perhaps I'd like to be, and would probably be a good, GP.

It's just the thought of more medicine in a hospital that puts me off!

Anyway, I'm getting a bit moany, so what good things are there? I've been working lately with Aga, who's brilliant and I really like her. And I've been eating lunch quite a lot at work now which is a definite improvement.

It's probably now time for me to start redeveloping a social life before I slip into hermit ways! If you want to help me with that, please get in touch!