Monday, 5 May 2008

I'm Not Stupid!

I've just watched Shipwrecked on 4oD. And it's done my head in.

Why do they feel the need to KEEP ON re-capping what has literally just happened. I mean, if I wasn't actually watching the programme, then maybe I'd need to be constantly reminded that "the Tigers have made a secret deal with Mike... and Matt is unaware that if he chooses Tigers, he will be sent home". Though maybe it says a lot about a programme that they think it must be so boring and unwatchable that you won't be paying attention.
I actually started counting how many times the narrator rehashed this really-quite-simple-to-understand premise. He said it 7 times. In 48 minutes.

I actually burst out laughing when in the "tense moment" after the two new arrivals had chosen Tiger Island, the narrator says "and so now, the Tigers must choose who to accept".

So I'd like to make a plea... if you are so stupid that you are unable to follow a programme as intellectually challenging as Shipwrecked, please go ahead and maroon yourself somewhere.

(Phew, rant over)

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