Wednesday 4 March 2009

Resisting the Twitterers

As much as I love Philip Schofield, I'm not sure I want my life reduced to one sentence soundbites, like one big continual Facebook update.

I like to think I'm more interesting than that... or is it more that I just talk too much and wouldn't be able to say all I want to say in one little sentence... I won't let you answer that one.

But given that I've had my Sony Ericcson phone for nearly 9 months, I think it's time to make beter use of it and its multiciplous features, so I've now linked my "mobile blog" (no, me neither) to this one, which essentially means I'm now going to upload photos direct from my phone.

They say a picture says a thousand words, so this is my way of showing you what I'm doing, rather than trying to say it.


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