Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Eurovision 2010 Semi-Final One: part three

Well here's the final seven songs from the first semi-final, and I have to say, so far it's going to be tough to pick the ten best... and not in a good way.

11 Malta "My Dream" - Thea Garrett

This is quite a passable ballad actually, and she's a good singer, which always makes things easier. You kind of pick up the words too, so end up singing along with the second chorus. I'm not certain it will be a stand-out moment though.

12 Albania
"It's All About You" - Julia Pasha

Juliana is perhaps Albania's answer to Lady Gaga. She's got a sofa handging from the trees, a bed in the lake and a very stoic military boyfriend. She release what at first seems to be a rat but turn out to be a bird from her butterfly tattooed hand at one point.
The song is pretty catchy too, and it should stand out, being that it follows a ballad and precedes the utter dross that is about to follow.

13 Greece "OPA" - Giorgios Alkaios & Friends

This is such a disaster I don't even know where to begin. Greece have currently managed to avoid relegation from the Final for the last 6 odd years by sending great artists with great pop songs. And so this year, the follow-up is... their grandad. In leather. WELL DONE EVERYBODY

14 Portugal "Há dias assim" - Filipa Azevedo (It's One of Those Days)

Well it's okay I suppose. It doesn't really help that she looks like she might be in the cast of Portugal's "Shameless", or all the "szh" noises you get in Portugese. It's not Portugal's year. Again.

15 FYR Macedonia "Jas ja imam silata" - Gjoko Taneski, Billy Zver and Pejcin (I have the strength)

They do actually look like a pub band. Which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. And it might have just avoided that fate, were it not the Macedonian rap uneasily cajoled into the middle section. Dad-rock +poor-man's Timbaland is a bit like a Marmite and Sprout cake. You'll either hate it... or not even want to try it.

16 Belarus "Butterflies" - 3+2

I've gotten used to utter dross coming out of this dictatorship that I didn't even bother to listen to this the first time, and what a mistake. It's brilliant, a really good ballad, and it somehow stays just the right side of cheesy for the majority. Well worth a listen.

17 Iceland "Je ne sais quoi" - Hera Björk

Thank god, an ubergay hands-up-in-the-air number to round of the first semi-final. It's even sung by a diva in black velvet frills. Dry ice - check. Key change - check. Wind machine - check. It's got it all. 'nuff said.

Okay, so we're (actually only just halfway) through. But the first semi-final coountries are done. Who are my favourites?

Iceland clearly comes top, followed by Belarus. Honourable mentions for Estonia, Moldova, Belgium and Albania.

Semi-Final Two & Big Four reviews soon.

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