Sunday 25 April 2010

Kick Ass

Olly and I went to see Kick Ass the other night, courtesy of Orange Wednesday. I actually think I take the mickey out of the AMC a little... I also get a 999 discount so the whole night ends up costing about £5 for two. Brilliant.


I wasn't sure what to think before it started. I'd seen some actor interviews, but no trailers.

The film is actually pretty good, all about a superhero wannabe geek, dressed in a catalogue wetsuit ("Kick Ass"). He starts out pretty lame really, getting all his bones shattered trying to do good. But you kind of know that in the end he'll prove that you don't need super-powers to do good. Just a $300, 000 jet-pack (which seems pretty cheap for what it is huh?!)

My favourite characters were Hit Girl and Big Daddy, who have an unhealthy interest in weaponry. Nic Cage is brilliant as Big Daddy, and I usually can't stand him.
The action scenes were great - both funny and with no over-the-top gushing blood stuff, which I find irritating. Watching a 9 year old girl take down a whole gang in one go is just brilliant to watch.

The teen angst part is kinda old hat, but doesn't chug up the plot so much, so I'll let it go. And of course he gets the girl in the end... just like a real superhero.

I'll give it 8/10.

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