Friday 17 November 2006

The awkward first post

Eeek, I've gone and done it.

I used to have a blog when I was a moody teenager, but I grew out of it and I can't now find it, so it's time for a fresh start.

Why have I started one up again?

I guess blogs are inevitably a bit of an exercise in self-publicity. I want people to know what I'm up to, and I like writing so why not?

My friend Bev, who I very much admire and look up to (in a metaphorical sense - she is actually quite tiny!) has a blog at and so I thought I'd get in on the act.

What am I going to talk about? I'm in my final 18 months of training before I become a doctor. I came into medicine for a few reasons, and I've often found that my choices are different from others. Where I want to go and how I want to live my life seem different from my colleagues, and I find that interesting.
I'm also the UMSU LGBT Secretary, something I could never have imagined myself doing just 2 years ago. It takes over my life... but I really don't care. I love what I do and the sense of achievment it brings. Sometimes it's sad, but overall I wouldn't give it up for anything.

So there you go.

Phew, I'm glad this is over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh look at did it!!
