I believe that it's the small things in life that matter. You can improve something by making tiny changes, and by working up from the bottom, you can truly achieve greatness.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
This week... mid-March
Somewhat bizarrely, Duncan James & Keedie: I Believe My Heart!
and also, the ace remix of what was quite a dull song before; Beyonce and Shakira, Beautiful Liar
This week, I have been mostly watching:
Castaway - I really like it! I also love that the "Remote Control" section, where you can choose the gift the castaways recieve is always nice - clearly the producers thought we'd all be knobs and send them ironing boards, fishnet stockings and steal their chickens, but instead we're giving them a surfboard, fishing nets and new chicks!
This week, I have mostly been saying:
"Distal/proximal phalangeal joints"...
...and "Would you like something to suck on for landing sir?" over and over again and still finding it funny.
This week I have mostly been eating:
VERY badly - today I have had a bagel, some crisps, a sausage roll, 2 pints and some Kro mussels (which ended up making an early exit...)
This week, I have mostly been thinking:
"If I ate better, I would sleep bettter and I would look bettter and feel better. And so, despite knowing this, why can I not do it?!!
This week, I have been mostly doing:
lots of socialising - I have been out with different friends nearly every day for over a week!
This week, I have been mostly paying:
for things that get pissed away about an hour later
This week, I have mostly been stressing about:
Joints; Elective; Project Option; SSC; LGBT Conference; and whether PBL is on Friday as the timetable says (which I hope for), or whether it has been moved to Thursday again, in which case I will miss it because I am already booked to be somewhere else!
Psychiatry versus Sumo/Safari/Spanish
Next year, for my final year of medicine before I get a job (woo hoo), I have an 8-week "Elective" period to fill. The point of this period is to "experience a different healthcare system" - which for a lot of medics means getting a few grand of daddy, zooming to Australia to sit on a beach and then pop into Sydney General for a few hours. Which is quite fun thing to do... but it isn't really me. Plus the fact that my elective period is right before my finals.
I originally thought I'd just stay in England, probably Greater Manchester, and do something "useful" in a revision sense.
I've now been bitten by a bug that sees a new elective idea each day!
I would quite like to do Psychiatry for the block, because I love it. I could do the whole lot in Bolton as they have kind of already agreed, but I would like to go away really, at least for a bit, because it's a pretty unique opportunity. SO I could split the block in two and do two 4-week blocks.
And this is where the dilemma begins to set in.
I have always wanted to visit:
Iceland, Japan and "Africa" (whatever that means).
But the first two present a bit of a communication barrier, especially where I want to do a rather communication-heavy specialty. The thought of going to Japan makes me so excited, but I just don't know that I would honestly get much out of it in a educational way, and it might drive me mad that I don't understand anything! Ditto Iceland, and also, it's so near it doesn't seem "worthy" enough. Somewhere like Ghana or Kenya in Africa could be good - because English is the official language in a few countries so at least there is opportunity for translating from native languages.
Or I could go to Spain or South/Central America and use my not-too-bad Spanish? Argentina, Chile, Mexico?
But then I think of Japan again... and then Africa... and then Bolton.
It's really a battle of the specialty versus the location... I don't think I can go somewhere I've always wanted and do what I want to do!
And we've not even started talking about how I'm going to pay for any of this yet.
This is really hard isn't it?!
Thursday, 22 March 2007
I cannot help but wonder;
Silence? For what reason?
Trying to be good,
To do the right, honest thing.
Yet I pay in blood!
The game of ego,
Not something I care to play;
Just get on and DO.
Open and closed and shut,
Minds unreceptive to thought,
"But, me! But, ME! But..."
The low road, the high,
Neither without obstacle;
To run, stay, or hide?
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Sunday, 11 March 2007
This week...
This week, I have been mostly listening to:
"I Want Candy" - Melanie C & "Flying The Flag" - Scooch (our potential Eurovision entry)
Both these songs have been growers - I'm still a bit "hmmm" about Mel C's fringe, and also the 90s beat of Scooch. But then I love the trumpets in I Want Candy and sexual innuendo in Scooch's song!
This week, I have been mostly watching:
Comic Relief Does Fame Academy (sorry to see Zoe leave last night)
This week, I have mostly been saying:
"So... have you ever felt so low that you might consider taking your own life?" - the joys of psychiatry patient interviews
This week I have mostly been eating:
McDonalds - I have been 4 times this week - interestingly in 4 different places (Salford, Bolton, Stockport and Fallowfield!)
This week, I have mostly been thinking:
"It's all coming together!" - I have an idea for my elective, woohoo!
This week, I have been mostly doing:
lots of tidying - my room is beautiful!
This week, I have been mostly paying:
Credit Card bills. :-( (Goodbye interest-free period)
This week, I have mostly NOT been watching:
The Interpreter, my current LoveFilm rental, which I have had for 2 weeks and so heavily damaged my chances of making my subscription worthwhile this month.
Lend Us A Hand
In case you didn't get a chance to read all the stats, they are still be displayed in the Peer Support Centre, but I'll also put them here:
40% of youth do not feel safe in their school because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning
90% of young Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual people have experienced verbal abuse because of their sexuality
70% of Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual people are too scared to report homophobic incidents to the police.
In 8 world countries, the punishment for male homosexual acts is death.
82% of secondary school teachers are aware of homophobic verbal bullying among students in their school.
and, in my view, the worst:
30% of young lesbian, gay and bisexual people have tried to commit suicide more than once.
I hope that some of the people who had to make their way past these figures, or read them whilst passing on the bus (or indeed, whilst on the bus with us...) were surprised or shocked. A lot of people think that there isn't a need to campaign for LGBT issues. I used to think that too, and then I realised I thought that because I was/am lucky. My family support me, I have lots of friends, I'm going into a profession that is working hard to stamp out homophobia, and the laws of my state allow me to be who I am.
I hope that LGBT Awareness Week made someone ask "What does LGBT mean?", or in some way helped up the recognition of our campaign. I think it did. Thanks for "Lending A Hand".