Sunday, 11 March 2007

This week...

To make a trio of blogs, here is what I have been mostly doing this week.

This week, I have been mostly listening to:
"I Want Candy" - Melanie C & "Flying The Flag" - Scooch (our potential Eurovision entry)

Both these songs have been growers - I'm still a bit "hmmm" about Mel C's fringe, and also the 90s beat of Scooch. But then I love the trumpets in I Want Candy and sexual innuendo in Scooch's song!

This week, I have been mostly watching:
Comic Relief Does Fame Academy (sorry to see Zoe leave last night)

This week, I have mostly been saying:
"So... have you ever felt so low that you might consider taking your own life?" - the joys of psychiatry patient interviews

This week I have mostly been eating:
McDonalds - I have been 4 times this week - interestingly in 4 different places (Salford, Bolton, Stockport and Fallowfield!)

This week, I have mostly been thinking:
"It's all coming together!" - I have an idea for my elective, woohoo!

This week, I have been mostly doing:
lots of tidying - my room is beautiful!

This week, I have been mostly paying:
Credit Card bills. :-( (Goodbye interest-free period)

This week, I have mostly NOT been watching:
The Interpreter, my current LoveFilm rental, which I have had for 2 weeks and so heavily damaged my chances of making my subscription worthwhile this month.

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