Thursday 14 December 2006

Eating properly

This is what I have eaten in the last few days. I am writing this to shame myself into trying harder!

Wednesday 13th December
Vegetable Pasta Bake
Bakewall Flapjack
Bagel with peanut butter
Lots of Quality Street
Mince Pies and Bailey's cream (again)
3 coffees

Tuesday 12th December
2 croissants
Gingerbread Xmas biscuits
Cadburys Dairy Milk with Almond & Honey
Mince Pies and Bailey's cream
2 coffees
2 teas
Chicken Samba and Garlic Naan (c/o Spicy Hut)
2 Boddies
1 whiskey and ginger

Monday 11th December
Walkers Ready Salted French Fries
Xmas Dinner (Turkey, sprouts, potatoes, carrots, stuffing)
approx 2 bottles red wine
1 Bucks Fizz

This isn't really hitting the old 5-a-day now is it?!

I think this may be a New Year Resolution kind of issue.

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