Monday, 4 December 2006

So much time, so little to do...

...or reverse that, as Willy Wonka would say.

I feel a bit melancholy today. I started at Royal Bolton Hospital today and literally had all the energy in me sapped out by the ridiculous induction programme.
I spent a lot of time "talking with my partner" about "how would I like to be treated if I was a patient?", "what is equality & diversity?" and "what things might start a fire?". I have been told such inane things as "saying thank-you is nice" and "be nice to patients".
It is a bit silly because I personally feel these qualities should have been screened before someone is offered a job - if I am a racist, xenophobic moron who thinks being nasty to patients is the way to go, then maybe it is too late to find out by the time of my induction.

There was then the usual hassle of not having my name on any lists, which is oddly rather affecting, as though you have been forgotten by everyone you meet!

I will have to start properly tomorrow - I am doing a brief study of Adolescent Health Services, which is a topic I am excited about, but I am also feeling rather lazy, and I have the feeling I am not going to make the most of my time in Bolton!

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