Sunday, 10 December 2006

Sunday morning

It's been quite a good week really. I'm sat in my pyjamas and I'm fairly relaxed - which is good for me!

I'm loving Paediatrics at Bolton hospital - it's really confirmed for me that I want to be a paediatrician of some description. I'm up at 6.30 every day to drive there before the M60 traffic kicks in, but I am enjoying myself so much that I don't mind.

My SSC project there is in "Adolescent Health Services", and because people over 16 years old tend to be on adult wards, I scavenge around the site looking for teenagers, which has earned me a couple of suspicious looks when I wander to the nurses' station to ask "Hello! I'm Seb, I'm a medical student and I wondered if you had any teenagers on your ward". Everyone thinks I'm a paedophile - so I've started wearing my ID badge more prominently!

I actually think I want to work in Bolton, I have the same feeling I had at Trafford - and the bonus is that there are more things going on at Bolton (and less likelihood it will close down).

What's happened LGBT-wise this week? Well I trialled having the LGBT Welfare/Campaigns Collective at a different time to see if we would get some more people along but it didn't really work. It really brought home the message that we need to engage people into campaigns a bit more, and I wonder whether LGBT Awareness Week (February 2007) needs to make that one of its primary aims.

Having said that, the small band of us that there was did come up with some really good ideas for the week, which will be ace if we can pull them off! Caroline was a new face and she had lots of ideas, which was really satisfying and we spent over an hour coming up with things we can do.

After the Collective I went to the LGBT PG/Mature Students evening after a debate about whether I was eligible - I'm a graduate undergraduate who is 23 years old but not really a postgraduate or a mature student. However, when two 21 years old Masters students turned up, it seemed okay that I could go! The 12 of us had a really nice dinner and it was great to meet some new people - I felt really comfortable and I'm really looking forward to the next one now.

That's it, apart from Matt and my vague stalking of Kieron Richardson from Hollyoaks. Neither of us watch it, but he is on the cover of the AXM magazine in the LGBT Library at the moment. And we probably wouldn't have clocked him if it weren't for his minder - you can't help but be noticeable when you have "people" around I guess!

He was quite shy, but didn't seem to mind us whacking him with our drunken dancing! I think Matt quite fancied him - which I feel safe to say seeing as he hates computers and will never read this!

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